Questions and answers

You have questions, we have answers.

Is that an official game from the DRIVER series?

No, The Driver Syndicate is a fanmade game made by Soapy that serves as a spiritual successor to the classic DRIVER PS1 games!

Where can I download this game?

You can download the game right here.

Are there any new content planned?

Yes, the game is in constant evolution and you can expect big improvements in the coming months. Alongside Soapy developments, you can also get new content made by the community.

Can I mod The Driver Syndicate?

Yes, The Driver Syndicate is modding friendly and community driven! You can either create new content yourself with the level editor and after following the tutorials or you can enjoy the mods made by the community and give your feedback on the DRIVER Discord.

How can I give my feedback?

You can be in touch with the developer and the DRIVER Community by joining the DRIVER Discord and post on the related The Driver Syndicate channels.

When will the Android version be released?

Soapy is still working on the optimization of the Android version so it can be playable in the best condition at launch, stay tuned!